Re: Atomic Reference Counts in GObject

On Wed, 2005-04-27 at 10:05 +0200, Jonas Bonn wrote:
> > There's a bug open about using g_atomic_* stuff for GObjects though:
> > 
> >
> Thanks.  That's what I was looking for.
> Looking at the patches, though, I still end up scratching my head over one bit:
> if (g_atomic_int_get (&object->ref_count) == 1)
>      G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (object)->dispose (object);
> Why run dispose with the reference count at 1?  It seems to be that it
> would make more sense to drop the reference count to 0 (atomically)
> and then run dispose.  That way you ensure that the object is not
> picked up again half-way through the dispose method where it's not
> necessarily getting a coherent instance anymore.

Dispose methods are allowed to resurrect objects. One g_object_unref()
has been called on an object with a refcount of 1, there are no
*external* references to the object by definition ... no other
thread can hold a reference to the object, or the refcount would be 2.


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