Which Win32 controls are used by GTK

Hi all,
I am involved in development of Win32::GuiTest perl library. It is a light
weight but yet powerful module for gui test automation. It works pretty
well with standard Win32 applications.

I am not going to bother you with details of gui test automation. If you
are interested in finding out more you can check the link
http://www.piotrkaluski.com/files/winguitest/docs/ch02.html .
The general idea is that you have to find a window handle of a control and
then send it a right message (via SendMessage).

The problem with GTK is that when you inspect GTK application with spy++,
all controls have a class name gdkChildWindow. So there is no way to
figure out what messages should be send to them.
The question is - do GTK controls inherit from standard Win32 controls, or
GTK team created its own controls from scratch?
Is there any documentation on what messages can be sent to gdkChildWindow
and what are their meanings?


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