Re: gtk performance testing [was Re: GNOME 2.11/2.12 targeting GTK+ 2.8 (ie cairo based)]

Clemens Eisserer wrote:
When you draw a line or a curve using cairo, it is decomposed
into trapezoids which are rendered by RENDER.

Sorry if this question is quite naive, but I wonder why cairo seems to
generate such a large amount of overhead at all - why can't simple
operations like fills and blits which are the most used  not be
executed just like it was before switching to cairo just using plain

I do not mean using cairo+x but furthermore let cairo do stuff that
can be done using x-core do by x-core and not create trapezoids out of
every curve?
Seems I don't get something...

The core things that draw lines and curves have no concept of how to
blend the colour of the drawing to whatever is beneath it, using the
colouring model that Xrender uses. The core colouring model all goes
thru X colour map tables, so you can't do nice simple mathematical
operations on colors.

The idea of cairo is that everything is decomposed (tesselated) into
polygons, then sent to the server for rendering. This means any shape
can be rendered without adding a new X protocol command. However, the
tradeoff is greater bandwidth usage.

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