Re: libegg/recentchooser

Emmanuele Bassi wrote:

>Hi Morten,
>On Wed, 2005-11-30 at 19:58 -0500, Morten Welinder wrote:
>>>Uhm, I'll put that code under #idef G_OS_UNIX/#endif guards for the time
>>>being, but the getenv("TZ")/setenv("TZ") timezone trick should work on
>>>any sufficiently recent POSIX-like system; users of other operating
>>>systems might just drop me an email.
>>setenv isn't POSIX.  You can probably just use g_setenv although
>>that will leak.
>>But really, just do it as
>>    ((days_since_19700101 * 24 + h) * 60 + m) * 60 + s
>>where days_since_19700101 comes out of GDate.
>I've already updated the timestamp_from_iso8601 function using libsoup's
>equivalent code, after James pointed that out.
>The fixes are in libegg HEAD (libegg/bookmarkfile).
Perhaps the right solution is to move some of libsoup's date handling
code into glib as official APIs.  Parsing the various date formats is a
useful feature.


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