g_free segfaults, gtk-bookmarks, etc...


I have attached some code that I have added to the "gtk_file_chooser_widget_set_start_dir" function in gtkfilechooserwidget.c in gtk+ 2.4.13. It compiles and functions perfectly fine, but I'm sure I'm introducing some memory leaks here that I'd like to get worked out.

Here are the local variables I create:

 gchar *home_dir;
 gchar *test;
 gchar *contents;
 gchar *bookmark;
 char **gtk_bookmarks;
 gchar *bookmark_file;
 GError *error;

Attempting to do a g_free() on any of these causes gtk+ to segfault. I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to C (as you can probably tell just by looking at these few lines of code attached) and even more ignorant of glib, so any help here would be greatly appreciated.

On a related side note, we added this chunk of code to:

1.) Check to see if the user is located in ~
2.) If the user is in ~, default to the user's first gtk-bookmark as the start directory 3.) If that bookmark contains the env variable $HOME, expand it with g_get_home_dir ()

We do this because we like for 90% of our apps to default to the user's Documents folder, which for us is ~/My Documents. Therefore, in our gtk+ package, we have a postinst script which installs a copy of ~/.gtk-bookmarks in each user's home directory. We also install a copy of it in /etc/skel so that each new user created will have a copy of it. Unfortunately, the adduser script (which we plan on modifying in the near future) does not expand environment variables in files it copies from /etc/skel to ~. Getting to the point, I'd like to request that gtk+ respected environment variables (Well, at least $HOME) in gtk-bookmarks. I attempted hacking support in, but it failed (big surprise with my C skills ;-) ) and even tried hacking in support for creating a .gtk-bookmarks file on the fly for each user who doesn't have one, which would solve my issues as well, but I ended up just getting segfaults. (Again, big surprise) Not to mention, these two hacks are exactly that anyway, hacks, and it would be great if gtk+ simply natively supported env variables in gtk-bookmarks.

Thanks in advance for your time, and I hope to hear some feedback from you soon.

Until next time,

gchar *
gtk_file_chooser_widget_set_start_dir (gchar *current_folder)
  gchar *home_dir;
  gchar *test;
  gchar *contents;
  gchar *bookmark;
  char **gtk_bookmarks;
  gchar *bookmark_file;
  GError *error;

  home_dir = g_get_home_dir ();
  bookmark_file = g_strconcat (home_dir,"/.gtk-bookmarks",NULL);

  if (!strcmp(home_dir,current_folder))
    if (g_file_test(bookmark_file, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR))
      if (g_file_get_contents(bookmark_file,&contents,NULL,&error))
          gtk_bookmarks = g_strsplit(contents,"\n",-1);
          bookmark = g_filename_from_uri(gtk_bookmarks[0],NULL,&error);

	  test = g_strrstr(bookmark,"$HOME"); 

	  if (test)
	    bookmark = g_strjoinv(home_dir, g_strsplit(bookmark, "$HOME", -1));

          current_folder = bookmark;

    return current_folder;
    return current_folder;

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