Re: Some introspection on GtkContainer children.

Damon Chaplin wrote:
On Thu, 2005-09-15 at 15:46 -0400, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:

as specially noted that there are in effect three types of child
widgets; "normal", "added as a result of a property value"; "added
as a composite child which is constantly present".

I think that if we're going to talk of ideal scenarios, GtkContainer
should probably be a GInterface and allow for any object to have child
objects; which also could be composite or not; children also tend to
have different relationships to parents; for example a GtkMenuItem
parented by a GtkMenu isnt exactly a GtkContainer --> GtkWidget relationship,
its also concievable that a parent object can have multiple children
of multiple relationship types.

I think you guys should probably give up on the idea of handling
standard GTK+ widgets generically. There are so many special cases that
it is almost impossible.
I second that, however only from a GUI designer point of view.
In case of a library which constructs output from a GUI designer
(eg libglade) it's not impossible to handle all non-deprecated
widgets in gtk+ in a general way.
There's not that much introspection information missing to do so.
Basically a way of generically adding an object to another container
like object and a way of getting an object out of a container using
a string.


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