Re: Pluggable widgets II

On Wed, 2006-12-20 at 10:46 +0100, Tim Janik wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Dec 2006, Mark McLoughlin wrote:

> > 	Whichever it is, I'm wondering about things like VinoUrl - i.e. an
> > application derived widget. Should it be expected that a plugged-in
> > re-implementation of GtkLabel would also be used by VinoUrl? Probably
> > not, now that I think of it.
> i really don't know anything about VinoURL.
> however, if you need exactly a GtkLabel for it, you'll call 
> g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_LABEL, NULL). but if you mean to look/behave
> like the rest of the labels on a platform and just need a widget that
> implements the GtkLabel API, you'll call g_factory_create (GTK_TYPE_LABEL)
> (or gtk_label_new()) and may e.g. get a FoovendorLabelWithFunkyColors that
> is derived from GtkLabel.

	I'm not explaining myself very well. My apologies.

	Suppose gnome-panel implements PanelMenu[1] as a sub-class of GtkMenu
in order to display an ugly logo on the left hand side of the menu.

	If a platform vendor goes to the trouble of introducing a customised
GtkMenu implementation, then how does the vendor ensure that the
customised GtkMenu implementation gets used by gnome-panel?

	With this API the vendor would need to have a gtk module or library
especially for the gnome-panel in order to appoint a new implementation
of PanelMenu.

	It seems to me that, in this case, you'd want PanelMenu to
automatically sub-class the customised GtkMenu implementation. I can't
imagine that being practical, though.


[1] -

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