GtkTextBuffer serialize/deserialize

I'm trying to wrap the gtktextbufferrichtext.h API, but I can't figure
out from the documentation how it's supposed to work. For instance in
the documentation below, I don't understand why there's one buffer that
has a format, and another buffer that's going to be filled with the

Also, as far as I can tell, iter will be set by the function, but what
determines that iter? How can the data know where it should be inserted?

 * gtk_text_buffer_deserialize:
 * @register_buffer: the #GtkTextBuffer %format is registered with
 * @content_buffer: the #GtkTextBuffer to deserialize into
 * @format: the rich text format to use for deserializing
 * @iter: insertion point for the deserialized text
 * @data: data to deserialize
 * @length: length of %data
 * @error: return loaction for a #GError
 * This function deserializes rich text in format %format and inserts
 * it at %iter.
 * %format<!-- -->s to be used must be registered using
 * gtk_text_buffer_register_deserialize_format() or
 * gtk_text_buffer_register_deserialize_tagset() beforehand.
 * Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise.
 * Since: 2.10
gtk_text_buffer_deserialize (GtkTextBuffer  *register_buffer,
                             GtkTextBuffer  *content_buffer,
                             GdkAtom         format,
                             GtkTextIter    *iter,
                             const guint8   *data,
                             gsize           length,
                             GError        **error)

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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