Re: About GTK+ testing


I have been playing with them (LSB updated version) a little bit. I
was not very familiar with the TET testing framework, but it is easy
to use. Also they are written is a very flexible way, using .inq file
for the testing code and some templates + parser to generate the final
tests integrated into the TET framework. I did a little patch to
generate check based tests intead of TET and it's working nice.

As you can see here:

there was an attempt of integrating this into mainstream GTK+ without
many responses.

But now I think we have a very good "momentum" with the BuildBrigade
doind cool stuff, integrating LDTP and dogtail tests into continuous
integration, etc..., so this is  the perfect time to integrate this
funtion testing stuff.

I have contacted Rajesh from LSB for input about committing back LSB
branch of gtkvts into gnome CVS and the option of having two different
backends for them (TET and check)


On 7/31/06, Iago Toral Quiroga <itoral igalia com> wrote:
Hi all,

as some of you already know, during the GUADEC a group of people known
as the Build-Brigade have gathered together with the target to provide a
continuous integration environment for Gnome:

Basically, such environment will continuously compile the Gnome modules,
execute tests for those that provide them and publish the results.

As you can see, an interesting part of this work would be to have a set
of  tests for each module. Thomas (Fluendo) told me that he had already
talk to some of you about developing tests with Check
( for GTK+. I have worked a bit on
this, creating a patch for GTK+ that provides Check support and some
sample unit tests, but while I was working on this I noticed there was a
previous project from Sun regarding this same topic: (The README file is quite useful)

This project includes a huge amount of tests for GTK+, however it seems
it has been inactive for more than 2 years. Anyway, we found out that
there is some kind of fork of this project that is being maintained by
LSB people:

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous cvs gforge freestandards org:/cvsroot/lsb
co tests/lsb-desktop-test/lsb-gtkvts/

That said, I have some questions I would be very pleased to get answered
from you:

- Does anyone know about this project? If so, what is your opinion
about it?

- Does anyone know why Sun abandoned the project?

- Why was this project outside GTK+, as a different project? Wouldn't it
make sense to make it inside GTK+?

- Would it be better to re-take this project (doing some work in order
to update and adapt it to the current GTK+ state) instead of developing
new unit tests with Check from scratch?

Thanks in advance for any feedback!


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