Re: keyboard functions

On Sat, 2007-12-01 at 14:19 +0100, linux user wrote:
> Every day is more and more necessary to dominate the keyboard,
> especially in applications running in a globalized contexts which work
> with different languages, so need to switch / change the configuration
> of characters (letters) along the keyboard (according those
> languages). Or more exactly, with the same keycodes (because usually
> the same keyboard) produce different letters according the prefered
> layouts of each language.
> X Window System foresaw this situation and provide us some
> mechanisms... among them, we have the configuration files placed (at
> least on my computer) in /usr/share/X11/xkb and /etc/X11. Default
> keyboard configurations (layouts & variants, mainly, rigth here..)
> -set in /etc/X11/xorg.conf- are defined in /usr/share/X11/xkb/...
> Furthermore, if an option like "grp:switch,grp:shift_toggle" or
> "grp:switch,grp:alt_shift_toggle" is provided, it's possible to switch
> among two, three or four keyboards (= character configurations).
> It's also possible, in a graphical console, to use the command
> "setxkbmap", and in
> Gnome Dektop Environment, we have the gnome-keyboard-properties
> application. But... Why the silence in the GTK+ users list when I ask
> the way to do it in my GTK+ applications ?


Would help you. These features will not be added to GTK+ itself because:

 - They are only useful for a very small number of applications

 - They are not useful for applications running inside a desktop
   environment like GNOME or KDE.

 - They are X specific. Other systems configure keyboards very

 - There's no advantage in adding them to GTK+, since they are X
   specific. Applications can use libXkb and libXklavier 
   if they need the functionality.
- Owen

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