Re: GIO API review

Alexander Larsson wrote:
On Wed, 2007-12-12 at 17:33 +0100, Michael Natterer wrote:
Alexander Larsson wrote:
On Tue, 2007-12-11 at 17:48 +0100, Michael Natterer wrote:

GFileMonitor      -> GIOMonitorFile
GDirectoryMonitor -> GIOMonitorDirectory

Wouldn't it make sense to have a common (perhaps abstract) base class here,
or derive one from the other? The APIs are very similar at least.
They are very similar, but I'm not sure what advantage a common base
class would have. Its not likely that you pass around an object that is
either a file monitor or a directory monitor, so GMonitor would not be
used anywhere.
Well the common base class would install the "changed" signal, it
would have cancel(), is_cancelles(), set_rate_limit() and emit_event()
APIs, they would share their properties, and they would share the code
instead of duplicating it.

The actual amount of code duplicated is really small (_emit_event is the
only non-boilerplate code and it can't be shared), especially
considering all the extra boilerplate required to define a baseclass
with gobject.
GIOMonitor would simply be an abstract base class, and it doesn't
matter if you really need the polymorphy here (passing them around
around as Monitor instead of File or Directory monitor), the point
is that there is code duplication in two very similar classes,
that almost cries for a common base class.

It just adds new types and type relations you have to learn, and forces
you to remember that you have to cast to some common class to do things
like cancelling a directory monitor. It adds nothing useful to the user
of the API, it just means you have to learn more and remember more.

But we have casts all over the place in gobject/gtk+. And the APIs of
both classes is 100% *identical*. You can't seriously argue against a
common interface. In this case, having a common base class strikes
me almost as a no-brainer.

How would you justify having the *exactly* same API twice on two very
closely related classes? I would rather argue that having to learn
only *one* GMonoitor API is much more obvious and straightforward.

The actual implementation details (the fact that there are subclasses
at all) could be almost invisible in the public API.

- two closely related classes
- two identical APIs
-> common base class

*please* :-)


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