Re: g_format_file_size_for_display()

On Tue, 2007-12-18 at 14:50 -0600, Federico Mena Quintero wrote:
> Should this be called generically g_format_size_for_display()?  You
> could use it for more than file sizes (free RAM in gnome-system-monitor,
> etc.).

Sure, that makes sense to me, I'll change it.

Regarding the MiB stuff, my position is that the SI units introduced is
a bunch of crack that serves no purpose other than allowing anal
retentive people to show of their knowledge of computer details. Having
multiple types of size units does nothing but confuse matters, and
computer size units has been in 2^10 base for as long as computers have
been around.

While I think sueing the harddrive manifacturers over using base 10 is a
bit overdoing it I think their main point is right. The only reason for
the manifacturers to do this is so they can show larger numbers and sell
more. If no manifacturer had done this there would never have been any
confusion. Humans are excellent at handling conflicting things like
this, so nobody thinks 1km means 1024m after having used the computer

Now, if we had a locale flag for getting MiB that would be ok with me I
guess, but I really think we should be showing the traditional sizes by

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