gpointer vs gpointer* in GtkBuilderIface

While working up bindings for GtkBuildable, i noticed something interesting:
  gboolean      (* custom_tag_start)       (...,
					    gpointer      *data);
  void          (* custom_tag_end)         (...,
					    gpointer      *data);
  void          (* custom_finished)        (...,
					    gpointer       data);

Since gpointer is typedef'd to void*, this means gpointer* is a void**.

custom_tag_start() is, indeed, supposed to take the data pointer by reference and write through it like a return parameter. custom_tag_finished() gets the pointer so it can destroy it if necessary, as that's the last chance. When i saw the gpointer* on custom_tag_end(), i assumed this meant that the caller gets a chance to write through to change it. This is *not* the case.
The code i found implementing custom_tag_end() functions in gtk+ casts  
the double-pointer to a single pointer, and the code in  
subparser_end() passes subparser->data, not &subparser->data.  More  
confusingly, parse_custom() puts a gpointer* on the stack, but then  
does this:
  if (!gtk_buildable_custom_tag_start (...,
    return FALSE;

I started to create a patch to fix this, but it looks like it will reach rather far, as GtkBuildableIface is public, so i figured it would be good to ask, first ... what's this supposed to be?
One, two, free, four, five, six, sebben, eight, nine, ten, elebben, twull, fourteen, sickteen, sebbenteen, eightteen, elebbenteen, fiffeen, elebbenteen!
  -- Zella, aged three, counting to twenty.

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