Re: gtk+/glib versions for GNOME 2.20

On 6/5/07, Vincent Untz <vuntz gnome org> wrote:
Le lundi 28 mai 2007, à 16:12 +0200, Vincent Untz a écrit :
> Le mardi 15 mai 2007, à 15:05 +0200, Vincent Untz a écrit :
> > Hi,
> >
> > In [1], Tim mentioned that the current plan was to release GTK+ 2.12
> > mid-June. Is this still the case or do you expect a delay? This would be
> > useful to know, so we can tell people that it's okay to use the new GTK+
> > features.
> >
> > And any idea about glib 2.14? I guess if GTK+ 2.12 will be ready, the
> > new glib will be ready too.
> >
> > (FWIW, Behdad told on IRC that he expects GNOME 2.20 to use pango 1.18)
> Since the release dates for GTK+ 2.12 and glib 2.14 are now post-GUADEC
> and it's probably not a good idea to put pressure on the GTK+ team, I
> believe it's better to stay with GTK+ 2.10/glib 2.12 for GNOME 2.20.

After today's GTK+ meeting, it seems the GTK+ developers are really
committed to the GUADEC release date for GTK+ 2.12. This sounds good
from the GNOME point of view.

What do other people in the release team think?
GTK+ 2.12 aiming to be out far enough in advance of GNOME 2.20?  Awesome!

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