Re: GtkBuildable type resolver

On Thu, 2007-06-07 at 10:45 -0300, Johan Dahlin wrote:
> > Runtime registration of unknown types isn't really a major interest for
> > us at the moment, but I did keep it in mind as one of those things that
> > would inevitably pop up sooner or later.
> You're likely to run into this "interesting" problem when wrapping
> GStreamer which has plenty of types which are not known when you initialize
> your program.
> Of course it's possible to workaround by having a huge list of all possible
> GTypes, but that list will grow quite large if you take all gstreamer
> plugins into mind.

The gtkmm Glib::wrap() system examines the base class and falls back to
that. For instance, if
  cobject is an instance of GtkWindowFunkyDerivedThing, 
then I can do
  Gtk::Window *widget = Glib::wrap(cobject);
and I can then call Gtk::Window methods, and get the functionality from 
vfunc and default signal handler implementatoins in
GtkWindowFunkyDerivedThing, but I can't call
GtkWindowFunkyDerivedThing-specific functions. You'll be able to do even
that in Python when we have GObject introspection, I guess.

This doesn't work so well if it's a base _interface_ that I'm interested

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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