Re: GtkBuilder Public API - Last call

Warning! Spelling nazism follows...

GtkBuilderError below a transcription error?

There're also spelling errors in the documentation for:
GtkBuilderConnectFunc: s/intented/intended/ and s/non NULL/non-%NULL/
gtk_builder_connect_signals_full: s/interpeted/interpreted/
gtk_buildable_set_property: s/neeeded/needed/
gtk_buildable_construct_child: s/outsideof/outside of/

I can't comment on the API though.


On Tue, 2007-06-12 at 18:26 -0300, Johan Dahlin wrote:
> Hi,
> During the Gtk+ developer meeting today it was decided that there will be a
> final GtkBuilder discussion before it gets committed to trunk.
> The current plan is that there will be a new developer release in the end of
> the week, most likely on friday and that GtkBuilder is going to be included
> in that release.
> I'd like this discussion to be focus on the Public API. I've included the
> two new public headers (gtkbuilder.h and gtkbuildable.h) with the API
> documentation embedded.
> Suggestions and questions about the documentation are also welcome, but
> remember that the documentation is still very much open for changes during
> the next couple of weeks, before the final release of 2.12.
> I've also attached a .glade file which demonstrates some of the new
> capabilities.
> gtkbuilder.h
> ============
> GtkBuilder is a replacement for the GladeXML found in the libglade library.
> It is responsible for parsing a GtkBuilder UI definition and constructing
> the object tree from that definition, usually a user interface.
> This is the API which applications are going to use.
> typedef enum
> {
> } GtkBuilderError;
> struct _GtkBuilder
> {
>   GObject parent;
>   GtkBuilderPrivate *priv;
> };
> struct _GtkBuilderClass
> {
>   GObjectClass parent_class;
>   GType (* get_type_from_name) (GtkBuilder *builder,
>                                 const char *typename);
>   /* Padding for future expansion */
>   void (*_gtk_reserved1) (void);
>   void (*_gtk_reserved2) (void);
>   void (*_gtk_reserved3) (void);
>   void (*_gtk_reserved4) (void);
> };
> GType        gtk_builder_get_type                (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
> /**
>  * gtk_builder_new:
>  *
>  * Creates a new builder object.
>  *
>  * Return value: a new builder object.
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  **/
> GtkBuilder*  gtk_builder_new                     (void);
> /**
>  * gtk_builder_add_from_file:
>  * @buildable: a #GtkBuilder
>  * @filename: the name of the file to parse
>  * @error: return location for an error
>  *
>  * Parses a string containing a <link linkend="BUILDER-UI">GtkBuilder UI
> definition</link> and
>  * merges it with the current contents of @builder.
>  *
>  * Returns: A positive value on success, 0 if an error occurred
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  **/
> guint        gtk_builder_add_from_file           (GtkBuilder   *builder,
>                                                   const gchar  *filename,
>                                                   GError      **error);
> /**
>  * gtk_builder_add_from_string:
>  * @builder: a #GtkBuilder
>  * @buffer: the string to parse
>  * @length: the length of @buffer (may be -1 if @buffer is nul-terminated)
>  * @error: return location for an error
>  *
>  * Parses a file containing a <link linkend="BUILDER-UI">GtkBuilder UI
> definition</link> and
>  * merges it with the current contents of @builder.
>  *
>  * Returns: A positive value on success, 0 if an error occurred
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  **/
> guint        gtk_builder_add_from_string         (GtkBuilder   *builder,
>                                                   const gchar  *buffer,
>                                                   gsize         length,
>                                                   GError      **error);
> /**
>  * gtk_builder_get_object:
>  * @builder: a #GtkBuilder
>  * @name: name of object to get
>  *
>  * Return value: GObject or %NULL if it could not be found in the object tree.
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  **/
> GObject*     gtk_builder_get_object              (GtkBuilder   *builder,
>                                                   const gchar  *name);
> /**
>  * gtk_builder_get_objects:
>  * @builder: a #GtkBuilder
>  *
>  * Return value: a newly-allocated #GSList containing all the objects
>  *   constructed by GtkBuilder instance.
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  **/
> GSList*      gtk_builder_get_objects             (GtkBuilder   *builder);
> /**
>  * gtk_builder_set_translation_domain:
>  * @builder: a #GtkBuilder
>  * @domain: the translation domain or %NULL
>  *
>  * Sets the translation domain and uses dgettext() for translating the
>  * property values marked as translatable from an interface description.
>  * You can also pass in %NULL to this method to use gettext() instead of
>  * dgettext().
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  **/
> void         gtk_builder_set_translation_domain  (GtkBuilder   *builder,
>                                                   const gchar  *domain);
> /**
>  * gtk_builder_get_translation_domain:
>  * @builder: a #GtkBuilder
>  *
>  * Return value : the translation domain. This string is owned
>  * by the builder object and must not be modified or freed.
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  **/
> const gchar* gtk_builder_get_translation_domain  (GtkBuilder   *builder);
> /**
>  * GtkBuilderConnectFunc:
>  * @builder: a #GtkBuilder
>  * @object: a GObject subclass to connect a signal to
>  * @handler: name of the handler
>  * @object: GObject, if non NULL, use g_signal_connect_object.
>  * @after: if %TRUE use with g_signal_connect_after.
>  * @data: user data
>  *
>  * This is the signature of a function used to connect signals.  It is used
>  * by the gtk_builder_connect_signals() and gtk_builder_connect_signals_full()
>  * methods.  It is mainly intented for interpreted language bindings, but
>  * could be useful where the programmer wants more control over the signal
>  * connection process.
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  */
> typedef void (*GtkBuilderConnectFunc) (GtkBuilder  *builder,
>                                        const gchar *handler_name,
>                                        GObject     *object,
>                                        const gchar *signal_name,
>                                        GObject     *connect_object,
>                                        gboolean     after,
>                                        gpointer     user_data);
> /**
>  * gtk_builder_connect_signals:
>  * @builder: a #GtkBuilder
>  *
>  * This method is a simpler variation of gtk_builder_connect_signals_full().
>  * It uses #GModule's introspective features (by opening the module %NULL) to
>  * look at the application's symbol table.  From here it tries to match
>  * the signal handler names given in the interface description with
>  * symbols in the application and connects the signals.
>  *
>  * Note that this function will not work correctly if #GModule is not
>  * supported on the platform.
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  **/
> void         gtk_builder_connect_signals         (GtkBuilder   *builder);
> /**
>  * gtk_builder_connect_signals_full:
>  * @builder: a #GtkBuilder
>  * @func: the function used to connect the signals.
>  * @user_data: arbitrary data that will be passed to the connection function.
>  *
>  * This function can be thought of the interpeted language binding
>  * version of gtk_builder_signal_autoconnect(), except that it does not
>  * require gmodule to function correctly.
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  */
> void         gtk_builder_connect_signals_full    (GtkBuilder   *builder,
>                                                   GtkBuilderConnectFunc func,
>                                                   gpointer      user_data);
> /**
>  * gtk_builder_get_type_from_name:
>  * @builder: a #GtkBuilder
>  * @typename: Type name to lookup.
>  *
>  * This method is used to lookup a type. It can be implemented in a subclass to
>  * override the #GType of an object created by the builder.
>  *
>  * Since 2.12
>  */
> GType        gtk_builder_get_type_from_name      (GtkBuilder   *builder,
>                                                   const char   *typename);
> /**
>  * gtk_builder_value_from_string
>  * @pspec: the GParamSpec for the property
>  * @string: the string representation of the value.
>  * @value: the GValue to store the result in.
>  *
>  * This function demarshals a value from a string.  This function
>  * calls g_value_init() on the @value argument, so it need not be
>  * initialised beforehand.
>  *
>  * This function can handle char, uchar, boolean, int, uint, long,
>  * ulong, enum, flags, float, double, string, GdkColor and
>  * GtkAdjustment type values.  Support for GtkWidget type values is
>  * still to come.
>  *
>  * Returns: %TRUE on success.
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  */
> gboolean     gtk_builder_value_from_string       (GParamSpec   *pspec,
>                                                   const gchar  *string,
>                                                   GValue       *value);
> /**
>  * gtk_builder_value_from_string_type
>  * @type: the GType of the value
>  * @string: the string representation of the value.
>  * @value: the GValue to store the result in.
>  *
>  * Like gtk_builder_value_from_string(), but takes a #GType instead of
> #GParamSpec.
>  *
>  * Returns: %TRUE on success.
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  */
> gboolean     gtk_builder_value_from_string_type  (GType         type,
>                                                   const gchar  *string,
>                                                   GValue       *value);
> /**
>  * gtk_builder_flags_from_string:
>  * @type: a #GType
>  * @string: string containing a flag
>  *
>  * This function is used to convert a string to a flags value. You can use the
>  * flags' nick or blurb representations to convert from. Multiple values must be
>  * separated by a pipe character (|), space(s) are allowed before and after.
>  *
>  * Return value: converted flags value
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  */
> guint        gtk_builder_flags_from_string       (GType         type,
>                                                   const char   *string);
> /**
>  * gtk_builder_enum_from_string:
>  * @type: a #GType
>  * @string: string containing an enum
>  *
>  * This function is used to convert a string to a enum value. You can use the
>  * enums nick or blurb representations to convert from.
>  *
>  * Return value: converted enum value
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  */
> gint         gtk_builder_enum_from_string        (GType         type,
>                                                   const char   *string);
> /**
>  * gtk_builder_error_quark:
>  *
>  * Registers an error quark for #GtkBuilder if necessary.
>  *
>  * Return value: The error quark used for #GtkBuilder errors.
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  **/
> GQuark gtk_builder_error_quark (void);
> gtkbuildable.h
> ==============
> GtkBuildable is an interface which is implementable to allow a GObject
> subclass to customize the behavior of how it is going to be built.
> The following widgets implements the interface:
> GtkWidget		   (set_property: has-focus, has-default,
>                             custom tag: accelerator, set_name, get_name)
> GtkWindow		   (set_property: visible)
> GtkAction     	           (set_name, get_name)
> GtkActionGroup		   (add: action)
> GtkUIManager		   (custom parser: uim defintion)
> GtkContainer               (add: widget, custom tag: packing)
> GtkExpander		   (add: custom child type "label")
> GtkFrame		   (add: custom child type "label")
> GtkNotebook		   (add: custom child type "tab")
> GtkTreeView		   (add: columns)
> GtkCellLayout		   (add: renderers, custom parser: attributes)
> GtkComboBox		   (add, custom: delegate to cell layout)
> GtkEntryCompletion	   (add, custom: delegate to cell layout)
> GtkIconview		   (add, custom: delegate to cell layout)
> GtkTreeViewColumn	   (add, custom: delegate to cell layout)
> GtkCellView		   (add, custom: delegate to cell layout)
> GtkSizeGroup		   (custom tag: widgets)
> GtkListStore		   (custom tag: data storage)
> GtkTreeStore		   (custom tag: data storage)
> GtkDialog		   (get internal child, custom parser: response)
> GtkColorselDialog	   (get internal child)
> GtkComboBoxEntry	   (get internal child)
> GtkFontsel		   (get internal child)
> struct _GtkBuildableIface
> {
>   GTypeInterface g_iface;
>   /* virtual table */
>   void          (* set_name)            (GtkBuildable  *buildable,
>                                          const gchar   *name);
>   const gchar * (* get_name)            (GtkBuildable  *buildable);
>   void          (* add)                 (GtkBuildable  *buildable,
>                                          GtkBuilder    *builder,
>                                          GObject       *child,
>                                          const gchar   *type);
>   void          (* set_property)        (GtkBuildable  *buildable,
>                                          GtkBuilder    *builder,
>                                          const gchar   *name,
>                                          const GValue  *value);
>   GObject *     (* construct_child)     (GtkBuildable  *buildable,
>                                          GtkBuilder    *builder,
>                                          const gchar   *name);
>   gboolean      (* custom_tag_start)    (GtkBuildable  *buildable,
>                                          GtkBuilder    *builder,
>                                          GObject       *child,
>                                          const gchar   *tagname,
>                                          GMarkupParser *parser,
>                                          gpointer      *data);
>   void          (* custom_tag_end)      (GtkBuildable  *buildable,
>                                          GtkBuilder    *builder,
>                                          GObject       *child,
>                                          const gchar   *tagname,
>                                          gpointer      *data);
>   void          (* custom_finished)     (GtkBuildable  *buildable,
>                                          GtkBuilder    *builder,
>                                          GObject       *child,
>                                          const gchar   *tagname,
>                                          gpointer       data);
>   void          (* parser_finished)     (GtkBuildable  *buildable,
>                                          GtkBuilder    *builder);
>   GObject *    (* get_internal_child)   (GtkBuildable  *buildable,
>                                          GtkBuilder    *builder,
>                                          const gchar   *childname);
> };
> GType     gtk_buildable_get_type           (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
> /**
>  * gtk_buildable_set_name:
>  * @buildable: a #GtkBuildable
>  * @name: name to set
>  *
>  * Sets the name of the buildable object, it's used to synchronize the name
>  * if the object already has it's own concept of name.
>  *
>  * #GtkWidget implements this to map the buildable name to the widget name
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  **/
> void      gtk_buildable_set_name           (GtkBuildable        *buildable,
>                                             const gchar         *name);
> /**
>  * gtk_buildable_get_name:
>  * @buildable: a #GtkBuildable
>  *
>  * Returns: the buildable name, the name which was set in
>  * the <link linkend="BUILDER-UI">GtkBuilder UI definition</link> used to
>  * construct the @buildable.
>  *
>  * #GtkWidget implements this to map the buildable name to the widget name
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  **/
> const gchar * gtk_buildable_get_name       (GtkBuildable        *buildable);
> /**
>  * gtk_buildable_add:
>  * @buildable: a #GtkBuildable
>  * @builder: a #GtkBuilder
>  * @child: child to add
>  * @type: kind of child or %NULL
>  *
>  * Add a child to a buildable. type is an optional string
>  * describing how the child should be added.
>  *
>  * #GtkContainer implements this to be able to add a child widget
>  * to the container. #GtkNotebook uses the @type to distinguish between
>  * page labels (@type = "page-label") and normal children.
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  **/
> void      gtk_buildable_add                (GtkBuildable        *buildable,
>                                             GtkBuilder          *builder,
>                                             GObject             *child,
>                                             const gchar         *type);
> /**
>  * gtk_buildable_set_property:
>  * @buildable: a #GtkBuildable
>  * @builder: a #GtkBuilder
>  * @name: name of property
>  * @value: value of property
>  *
>  * Sets the property name @name to @value on the buildable object @buildable
>  * which is created by the @builder.
>  *
>  * This is optional to implement and is normally not neeeded.
>  * g_object_set_property() is used as a fallback.
>  *
>  * #GtkWindow implements this to delay showing (::visible) itself until
>  * the whole interface is fully created.
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  **/
> void      gtk_buildable_set_property       (GtkBuildable        *buildable,
>                                             GtkBuilder          *builder,
>                                             const gchar         *name,
>                                             const GValue        *value);
> /**
>  * gtk_buildable_construct_child
>  * @buildable: A #GtkBuildable
>  * @builder: #GtkBuilder used to construct this object
>  * @name: name of child to construct
>  *
>  * Construct a child of @buildable with the name @name.
>  *
>  * #GtkUIManager implements this to reference to a widget created in a <ui> tag
>  * which is outsideof the normal <link linkend="BUILDER-UI">GtkBuilder UI
> definition</link>
>  * object hierarchy.
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  **/
> GObject * gtk_buildable_construct_child    (GtkBuildable        *buildable,
>                                             GtkBuilder          *builder,
>                                             const gchar         *name);
> /**
>  * gtk_buildable_custom_tag_start
>  * @buildable: a #GtkBuildable
>  * @builder: a #GtkBuilder used to construct this object
>  * @child: child object or %NULL for non-child tags
>  * @tagname: name of tag
>  * @parser: a #GMarkupParser structure
>  * @data: user data that will be passed in to parser functions
>  *
>  * This is called when an unknown tag under <child> tag is found.
>  *
>  * Called when an unknown tag is present under a a <child> tag.
>  * If the buildable implementation wishes to handle the tag it should
>  * return %TRUE and fill in the @parser structure. Remember to either
>  * implement custom_tag_end or custom_tag_finish to free
>  * the user data allocated here.
>  *
>  * #GtkWidget implements this and parsers all <accelerator> tags to
>  * keyboard accelerators.
>  * #GtkContainer implements this to map properties defined under <packing>
>  * tag to child properties.
>  *
>  * Returns: %TRUE if a object has a custom implementation, %FALSE
>  *          if it doesn't.
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  **/
> gboolean  gtk_buildable_custom_tag_start   (GtkBuildable        *buildable,
>                                             GtkBuilder          *builder,
>                                             GObject             *child,
>                                             const gchar         *tagname,
>                                             GMarkupParser       *parser,
>                                             gpointer            *data);
> /**
>  * gtk_buildable_custom_tag_end
>  * @buildable: A #GtkBuildable
>  * @builder: #GtkBuilder used to construct this object
>  * @child: child object or %NULL for non-child tags
>  * @tagname: name of tag
>  * @data: user data that will be passed in to parser functions
>  *
>  * This is called for each custom tag handled by the buildable.
>  * It will be called when the end of the tag is reached.
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  **/
> void      gtk_buildable_custom_tag_end     (GtkBuildable        *buildable,
>                                             GtkBuilder          *builder,
>                                             GObject             *child,
>                                             const gchar         *tagname,
>                                             gpointer            *data);
> /**
>  * gtk_buildable_custom_finished:
>  * @buildable: a #GtkBuildable
>  * @builder: a #GtkBuilder
>  * @child: child object or %NULL for non-child tags
>  * @tagname: the name of the tag
>  * @data: user data created in custom_tag_start
>  *
>  * This is similar to gtk_buildable_parser_finished() but is
>  * called once for each custom tag handled by the @buildable.
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  **/
> void      gtk_buildable_custom_finished    (GtkBuildable        *buildable,
>                                             GtkBuilder          *builder,
>                                             GObject             *child,
>                                             const gchar         *tagname,
>                                             gpointer             data);
> /**
>  * gtk_buildable_parser_finished:
>  * @buildable: a #GtkBuildable
>  * @builder: a #GtkBuilder
>  *
>  * Finish the parsing of a <link linkend="BUILDER-UI">GtkBuilder UI
> definition</link>
>  * snippet. Note that this will be called once for each time
> gtk_builder_add_from_file or
>  * gtk_builder_add_from_string is called on a builder.
>  *
>  * #GtkWindow implements this to delay showing (::visible) itself until
>  * the whole interface is fully created.
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  **/
> void      gtk_buildable_parser_finished    (GtkBuildable        *buildable,
>                                             GtkBuilder          *builder);
> /**
>  * gtk_buildable_get_internal_child
>  * @buildable: a #GtkBuildable
>  * @builder: a #GtkBuilder
>  * @childname: name of child
>  *
>  * Get the internal child called @child of the @buildable object.
>  *
>  * Return: the internal child of the buildable object
>  *
>  * Since: 2.12
>  **/
> GObject * gtk_buildable_get_internal_child (GtkBuildable        *buildable,
>                                             GtkBuilder          *builder,
>                                             const gchar         *childname);
> _______________________________________________
> gtk-devel-list mailing list
> gtk-devel-list gnome org

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