Re: GLib and 64-bit Windows

Thanks for the prompt response Hans.

Has GLib been successfully compiled in 64-bit mode under Windows?
Didn't hear about that.

Do you have a rough idea of the amount of work that it would take to get this working? I don't mind doing the work, but I'm not entirely familiar with glib. What parts of glib touch (possibly) 64-bit specific code?

Would a newer version of glib help me in getting my compile to work?
Yes. At least the above mentioned issue is fixed on trunk. But there are
probably more things to fix, which could be merged to trunk but much less
to glib-2-8.

Maybe I am just being dense here, but am I right in interpreting this to mean: if I fix things to get a 64-bit build, those fixes could more easily be merged back into the trunk, where as they would be less likely to make it into 2.8?


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