Re: Sudden Tango changes in trunk

Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
On Wed, 2007-03-28 at 10:47 -0500, Yevgen Muntyan wrote:
Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
I think it is clear that if you use "gtk-foo" icon for "bar" then
you're misusing it. But let's not forget about the reasons for
doing it: there may simply be no other alternative other than no
icon at all. gtk icons set is not exactly rich to cover even simplish
non-stock metaphors, and if a programmer wants to have an
icon for "foobarize" he will use "gtk-jump-to". Yes, bad and all that.
Icon theme maintainers say that's plain wrong and bad for
user and everything, but what can we do?
We can install our own icons for the corner cases that exist 
only for our applications
Um, we can do that only if we have the icon. And that's a
problem. If someone volunteers to draw missing icons for
me then I'll be glad, but until then I will use gtk-about for
bookmarks and gtk-select-font for "Configure Shortcuts"
 - and we can lobby for the addition
of icons in the theme when they start to become more than
a simple corner case.
Yeah, bookmarks thing comes to mind. Come on, you know all
this stuff. Eventually we will be totally good, and we should
strive to it, but we can't pretend we are good right now.


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