Re: Default DND action when multiple actions defined

For people's information, this is bug #372220
( in Totem.

On Fri, 2007-05-11 at 01:10 +0100, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> Heya,
> It doesn't seem possible to achieve the following in GTK+:
> - widget accepts GDK_ACTION_COPY and GDK_ACTION_MOVE, but widget has a
> *default* action of GDK_ACTION_MOVE (not copy)
> I'm trying to get to the following behaviour in Totem:
> - dnd on the video canvas defaults to "link" which would clear the
> playlist, and add the dropped items to the list. Pressing Ctrl at the
> same time would add the items to the playlist.
> - dnd on the playlist which would "copy" by default, and only add the
> items to the list. Pressing Shift at the same time would replace the
> items in the playlist.
> Is it possible to do this in GTK+ right now? (in which case, pointers
> appreciated, and I'd update the docs to show that)
> If not, is it an XDND protocol limitation, or a GTK+ one?
> Cheers

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