Re: GIcon thoughts

On Mon, 14 Jan 2008, Alexander Larsson wrote:

On Mon, 2008-01-14 at 10:12 +0100, Tim Janik wrote:

Of course, this is slightly harder, as GdkPixbuf is a public GObject
where we can't use toggle references. We could however implement this
with some help from the GdkPixbuf implementation. For instance, if we
add a resurrect signal to GdkPixbuf and have the dispose()
implementation emit this then the cache could connect to this and grab a
ref (for some time) before finalization. (The dispose call must also
detect that the object is ressurected and avoid chaining to dispose.)

you're not free to skip chaining in dispose() implementations (just
like you aren't free to skip chaining in finalize() or anywhere else).
adding a reference count in dispose is enough to "resurrect" an object
though, so just do ref(self); in dispose() but don't forget to chain up.
this'll prevent finalization (finalize() is only called for objects with

Why is that forbidden? You can resurrect things by grabbing a ref, yes,
but if you then chain up it'll free things like user data, etc, which we
don't want in the case of a cache.

because code can do stuff like:

this->foo = acquire_resource();
class->release_resource (this);

where foo, acquire_resource, release_resource can be arbitrary names
of course, e.g. dispose.
if you break the assumption that some_class_real_method() is always being
called when class->method() is being called (either directly or via
chaining), you'll break random code portions.
(ancestor classes need to be able to make *some* assumptions about an object
in order to be implemented, and method calls working correctly is one
very fundamental assumption.)


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