Re: glib on Symbian

Please show some concrete (minimal) example... I have a hard time to
understand *exactly* what you mean.

There must be some better way around this than adding 2000 ifdefs all
around the code, which frankly doesn't sound acceptable to me. Sure,
some ifdefs can be added, but in as few places as possible. Some
clever use of the C preprocessor defining names of  global variables
as function calls retuning a pointer to function-local static data
instead, or some clever preprocessing script used for Symbian
compilations, or whatever.


We are doing what you have mentioned above, i.e. defining name of global variables as function calls returning a pointer.

For example, in gdate.c,

    static gboolean using_twodigit_years = FALSE;

would become

    #if defined(__SYMBIAN32__) && defined(EMULATOR)
       PLS(using_twodigit_years,gdate, gboolean)
       #define using_twodigit_years   (*FUNCTION_NAME(using_twodigit_years  ,gdate)()
        static gboolean using_twodigit_years = FALSE;

where the PLS() macro will add the specified variable to the Process Local Storage, and the define will map it to a function pointer.

This is repeated for all write-able static data (WSD).

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