Webkit-gtk and MacOSX

Richard Hult bequeathed on me a Webkit module using the sources of the debian webkit distribution to provide Webkit, an approach which has recently proved somewhat fragile. I found the Webkit-Gtk page on GnomeLive tonight, and see that it recommends building Webkit-Gtk for use with MacOSX as one would for any Linux distro. This makes sense to me for MacPorts and Fink when they're built to use X11.

I wonder, though, if that's the best approach for Gtk+ applications using Quartz, since Webkit is already well integrated into the system. If I were to provide a Gtk-Carbon shim library using the approach in http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/DisplayWebContent/Tasks/CarbonApps.html
 will it integrate OK with gdk-quartz and cairo-quartz?
John Ralls

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