Re: minutes of the gtk+ team meeting - 2009-01-20

2009/2/17 Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi gmail com>:
> [the minutes for the 2009-01-20 meeting sat in my queue for almost a
> month. I'm very sorry]
> = gtk+ meeting 2009-01-20 =

Sorry for not attending, I've been quite busy with the current
hackfest organization and real life (TM), but I will try to make it
for the next meeting if we want to follow up.

> + GTK+ Marketing (diegoe)
>  - crank up the marketing to 11
>  - portability: what needs to be done to easily develop
>    applications on win32 and quartz
>  - win32 installers? visual studio template files?
>  - quartz has the bundle

>  - integrate the various platforms sections into the website
>  - integrate the bindings into the website

Regarding these two points, I already have some sort of proposal for
the front page that I have attached as an svg.

The idea es that Gtk+ is actually something that enables really cool
things, but we don't empower that idea from the website.
The other point is that bindings seems like second class citizens
whereas it's actually quite the opposite. I think that a lot of the
confusion out there about Gtk+ being written in C is an issue, is that
the documentation that you have in the webpage is all about C. Which
is something that most people shouldn't bother about.

The other point is that we need other sort of documentation, the
tutorial is nothing but a widget-by-widget manual, not something that
you want to use to learn how to build a useful Gtk+/GNOME app, the
worst thing here is that this is the reference document used by some
binding documentation (pygtk for example) so you spread a C-like api
that doesn't really encourage subclassing and good practices for the
sake of simplicity (useful from the C point of view).

In this regard "Getting started with gtkmm" looks a much better
approach to me, but since it is under the umbrella, it
doesn't get that much attention.

Also, we need screencasts to create really basic apps with Gtkmm or
PyGTK for example, so that people can really get into Gtk+ without
even to follow a text document and start playing. This is how Rails
got millions of developers really excited and faded Django out of the
picture for some time, if you go to the RoR page, you can get a clue
on how to start really easily and figure out what kind of things you
can do.

At the moment the Gtk+ webpage, although much better than the previous
one, is all a lot of some boring text that doesn't really shows what
Gtk+ can do and doesn't encourage anyone to try it unless you already
know what it is.

I plan to work on some other mockups of the website for other sections
and I would like to get feedback from you guys.

Alberto Ruiz

Attachment: gtkwebsite.svg
Description: image/svg

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