Re: GTK on Macintosh OSX

On Jul 13, 2009, at 3:39 AM, Christian Dywan wrote:

Am Sun, 12 Jul 2009 19:47:21 -0700
schrieb John Ralls <jralls ceridwen us>:

On Jul 12, 2009, at 6:18 PM, Dominic Lachowicz wrote:

Glib on Win32 has routines to solve this problem. It resolves things
relative to where the Glib DLL is installed. If your applications
use the XDG data directory functions in Glib, you might get away
with this too. Maybe you could invent something similar that used
the OSX bundle as your point of reference.

The routines only solve the problem if they're used.

Don't need to invent anything. The core foundation functions are
easy to use, and Richard Hult already abstracted it into a gobject.
But the code still has to be patched. It's not just application code,
either, but infrastructure libraries like gconf, gnome-keyring, dbus,

I set up a $PREFIX of /usr/local/gtk, built Gnucash, and ran `find /
usr/local/gtk -name *.dylib -exec strings \{\} | grep -H 'local/gtk'
\; ` and got more than 100 hits. Many of them are likely to be just
a define that isn't used for anything, but every one would have to
be examined, and a goodly number of them would require patching.
It's common enough to scan $PREFIX *and* runtime discovered paths
because the application may be installed in a non-standard place that
is not included in eg. XDG_DATADIRS, so that's not a mistake and will
yield lots of false positives.

A valid point, and covered in my weasel-words.

XDG is a good line of attack that I hadn't really thought about, thanks.

John Ralls

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