Re: Gtk+ problem with time-consuming threads

Am Dienstag, den 05.05.2009, 18:57 -0700 schrieb patkhor:
> I provide the user with the OK button, when user click on that button, the
> program will create some number of threads (more than 10) and each threads
> will do time-consuming work in the background. I successfully compiled my
> program, but when I click on OK button, the main window freeze (display "not
> responding" message on Windows machine). 
> One person on this forum suggested to me (thank you very much) that I should
> make the threads unjoinable because the main thread have to wait for all
> threads to finish their execution that's why the main window freeze. So I
> eliminate all g_thread_join() but the problem still occur. 
> Could someone please give me little sample code that provide only one
> button. When that button is clicked some number of threads will do something
> time-consuming in the background (something simple like multiplying numbers
> 10000 times in the for loop, just to give me an idea). 

Did you check where your threads are blocking? (Ie. did you attach a
debugger and check each thread?)


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