Re: Minutes of the GTK+ Team Meeting - 2010-08-17


- GAction, allows named actions + parameters (local+remote invocation)
  + only name, no visual/UI-related attributes
  + :enabled
  + (optional) state
- GActionGroup, allows grouping of actions
- GApplication, handles groups of actions
- parametrized actions will be available on D-Bus
- GtkAction is the presentation layer for GAction
- other backends are still a question mark
  + probably unable to implement parametrized actions, but UI elements
    should be easy to write

Can you undo an action? Any relation to a generic undo/redo framework?

J-P Iivonen

Saunalahdelta mullistava uutuus Nokia N97 ja kaiken kattava TotaaliMAX nyt ennakkomyynnissä uskomattoman edullisesti! Paketissa puhelut ja viestit (3000 min/kpl/kk), huippunopea mobiililaajakaista sekä Nokia N97 yhdellä kk-maksulla vain 59,95 e/kk (24 kk sopimus).

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