Re: Breaking things in git master...

In Google Reader it's as simple as clicking "Add a Subscription" and
then just pasting

into the field. For other readers you probably need a ATOM/RSS URL or
something technical like that - I don't know. FWIW, I think cgit has
RSS/ATOM feeds somewhere, maybe it would be nice if we showed links to
those much like gitweb does, e.g.;a=summary


Thanks for your reply,

As i didn't want to depend more on google software, i give a try with Thunderbird. When you are about to create the Atom feed, you juste have to enter:
if you want to track master or glib-2-24 commits.

I found theses URLs in the source of HTML page.

I guess we could have the links you talked about by adding stuff like
<a class="atom_logo" title="log RSS feed" href="browse/glib/rss/?h=master">RSS</a>
<a class="rss_logo" title="log Atom feed" href="browse/glib/atom/?h=master">Atom</a>
to the pages footers.


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