Re: Generic undo stack for GTK+

On 06/16/2010 10:49 PM, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
For instance, consider '+' = do and '-' = undo:

  4   7
  |  /
  3 5

Would translate to: +1 -->  +2 -->  +3 -->  +4 -->  -4 -->  -3 -->  +5 -->  +7

It would be inconvenient to perform operations on that representation of a tree though, like answering the question "how many different paths can I take from 2?".

That being said, I am over all skeptical about this API addition inasmuch
as most applications need it in a different way

I'm also sceptical. There are too many different ways to implement Undo. The generic solution would only represent one way, which doesn't make it generic enough IMO.

 / Martin


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