Re: Minimum height for minimum width


On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Havoc Pennington <hp pobox com> wrote:
> d) max size widget can do something useful with
> e) size at which widget acts like expand=false (this is what I'd call
> "max size" and I think it's a feature GTK doesn't have right now)

Trying to think about how these two are different, and not really
getting anywhere. It seems like you'd never set the max size above the
natural size.

So in the scrolled window case, to get the effect Matthias was going
for, maybe the answer would just be to set the max size hint on the
window to the natural size. The problem with that is basically
maximization and fullscreen, i.e. that we don't really want a max size
- it's better to add padding.

Conclusion perhaps, e) is not useful, user should always be able to
resize "too high" and get extra padding in the layout, if they want.

The situation where it could make sense to add max_size to
get_preferred_{width,height} might be if the natural size were defined
as c) "a good size", then you'd also be able to use a separate "max
useful size." For example then a box layout would first bring all
children up to the good size; if still extra space, then bring them
all up to max size; if still extra space, then start padding them.


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