Re: GTK+ 3.0.12


Le 28/07/2011, Petr Tomasek <tomasek etf cuni cz> a écrit :
> Is there more info about this? Does it mean a user will no more
> be able to choose an exact location where to save the file?
> Seems to me like a rather big change, not something that should
> go in the minor release.
Frederico who implemented it, gave more details in his blog.

The current behaviour of selecting an exact location is still available
of course. What the patch brings is additional to current capability.
By default, it will set the save file chooser in recent mode. While
clicking on a location in the bookmark bar on the left will continue to
give the exact location behaviour.

Before the patch when saving a file, we select a location in the the
left list and then fine tune it from the right listview. Now, to
achieve the same, we do exactly the same number of clicks, but in
addition, if we want to save to a recent file or location, it's already

Hoping it helps to understand the changes.


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