Re: Introducing a kqueue backend for GIO (GSoC)


Le 22/06/2011 01:42, Dan Winship a écrit :
> On 06/19/2011 04:25 PM, Dmitry Matveev wrote:
>> My project includes writing a kqueue file monitoring backend for GIO, in
>> order to provide fast file monitoring to Glib/GIO-powered applications
>> on BSD systems.
> Cool. I took a quick look. It mostly looks good. (Or at least, as good
> as the inotify backend, which is pretty ugly in places :)

I did the same yesterday just for the sake of it, and have a few
additional remarks:

>     - "initialized" in _kh_startup() needs to be volatile or it's not
>       guaranteed to behave the way you want...

Yes, and as far as I understand the code correctly, I think the use of
g_once_init_enter/leave() would be better appropriate here than the
plain lock and "initialized" var.

>       The use of a "g_" prefix on static/global variables seems very
>       wrong to me (especially in files where nothing else is
>       g-prefixed).

Same here.

Also there is G_N_ELEMENTS() for calculating the size of a static array
(e.g. in convert_kqueue_events_to_gio()).

Finally, I think the implementation of convert_kqueue_events_to_gio() is
a bit overkill for what it really does, and would probably be cheaper
with a simple if() list. It's about 4 ifs, it's not like there were
plenty of them.  But that's not important, and the compiler maybe even
optimizes this out to get rid of the static array and the loop.


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