Accessibility in GTK+ under Windows - licensing question

Hello everyone,

I'd be happy to add support for Microsoft layers in GTK+, but there is
a problem with Windows SDK's license. The uiautomation.h and other UI
Automation (UIA) headers cannot probably be distributed with GTK+.
These headers are part of Windows SDK.

Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET EULA says at section 2.a.iii:

"Distribution Restrictions.  You may not <...> modify or distribute
the source code of any Distributable Code so that any part of it
becomes subject to an Excluded License.  An Excluded License is one
that requires, as a condition of use, modification or distribution,
* the code be disclosed or distributed in source code form; or
* others have the right to modify it."

What should I do? Is it possible to extend GTK+ so that users (who
build from source with UI Automation support enabled) will have to
download Windows SDK to build from source with UI Automation support

I.e. I propose this algorithm:

1) If you don't need UIA, you build without Windows SDK.
2) If you need UIA, you fetch Windows SDK and you're happy.

Is this possible? My concern is this WSDK EULA.

Best regards,

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