Ryan asked me to look at the DTDs for the menu markup and GtkBuilder interface definitions, since he merged everything over to GtkBuilder. Here's the old menumarkup.dtd: http://git.gnome.org/browse/glib/tree/gio/menumarkup.dtd?id=4e9f59bff8adc59fd8fde5bdee9879b8c3e4e55b And here's what our docs say the current GtkBuilder DTD is, though we don't have a separate DTD file. http://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/3.3/GtkBuilder.html#BUILDER-UI Issues: 1) The GtkBuilder DTD doesn't specify attribute types in ATTLIST declarations, so it's invalid. 2) You can't just use ANY anywhere to mean ANY. You either use ANY, or you use an element pattern. 3) If you use ANY, DTDs still try to validate those contents, and that just doesn't work because we can't specify every last element name somebody might use. In short, it is impossible to properly validate these files using DTDs. I've attached a DTD that will validate only those files that don't use any extensions. That at least serves as a sort of loose description of the format. Now, we can actually properly validate using RELAX NG. I've attached RELAX NG schemas in both the XML and the compact syntaxes. XML is the only syntax understood by 'xmllint --relaxng'. Compact syntax is more readable for humans, and it's understood by emacs nxml-mode to give you validation on the fly. See this page for tips on that: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_use_Emacs_for_XML_editing -- Shaun
Description: application/xml-dtd
Description: application/relax-ng-compact-syntax
Description: XML document