Re: GtkAppChooser custom command patch

I don't think we want that in the app chooser, I'm afraid.
Applications need to be installed properly, which will make them show
up in the list of application.  Turning the app chooser into a
fix-up-your-os tool is not the right answer.

On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 7:13 AM,  <tarnyko tarnyko net> wrote:
Thank you Bernard !
I've written the change due to recurring requests from my local user group
(and other people, too).
Any feedback is welcome.
Bernhard Schuster writes:
I did not look at your implementation, but the screenshots look very
promising - in fact I think that is a highly desirable feature and your
implementation is (imho) how it should be done!

2013/4/8 <tarnyko tarnyko net>
Hi folks,
Could someone please review the following patch/suggestion :**show_bug.cgi?id=650284#c36<>

It adds a "Use custom command" on the lower part of the GtkAppChooser
window, so users can specify an unlisted application (case of uncomplete
mimetypes or .desktop associations).
Screenshots are available in the comment.
The patch itself is unfinished, I'm mostly asking for feedback about the
general idea and design.
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