Hello, I was putting a GtkNotebook on a main window widget (using glade) and set the tab position to BOTTOM. This looks alright in glade. However, running the application itself one sees that the tabs are not drawn correctly (they retain round corners and the highlighting orange at the _top_ edge of the tab, while it should be at the bottom). see attach link. Looking through the code (git master gtknotebook.c) I can only guess where the respective drawing action might occur, and I can't see anything which might cause this behavior (specifically on windows). I was hesitating to file a bug report for this. Thomas NB: Alongside, I was curious whether the "windows code" is actually a separate code, a slight adaption of the trunk or completely the same (with switching #defines). http://www.imagetoo.com/images/gtk354win3.png Das Bedingungslose Grundeinkommen: Machen uns die Schweizer jetzt vor, wie es geht? Jetzt im UNI.DE Magazin. |