Re: Is GTK+ a cross-platform toolkit ?

To clarify the audience of the question in the subject line even
further, the current
core team per is the following:

Name    Affiliation
Matthias Clasen         Red Hat
Behdad Esfahbod         Google
Benjamin Otte   Red Hat
Federico Mena Quintero  Novell
Alexander Larsson       Red Hat
Tristan Van Berkom      Openismus
Carlos Garnacho         Lanedo GmbH
Kristian Rietveld       Lanedo GmbH
Michael Natterer        Lanedo GmbH
Ryan Lortie     Codethink Ltd
Emmanuele Bassi         Intel Open Source Technology Center

AFAIK they can officially accept Tarnynko's offer, turn it down or
implicitly declarevGTK+ officially dead as a cross-platform toolkit
by not responding to the question.
They know about the thread here, since one of them directed us here
with the question.

To add my personal opinion I prefer GTK+ over Qt and I would be very
sad if I had to say good bye to GTK+.


2013/3/5  <tarnyko tarnyko net>:
Paul Davis writes:

On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 6:56 PM, <tarnyko tarnyko net> wrote:

Hi folks,
The subject of this mail is taken from the corresponding thread on
"gtk-list". The thread itself (a few days old) can be read here :**archives/gtk-list/2013-**February/msg00055.html<>

I think the question is relevant to gtk-devel.
In short, we are questioning the lack of an official GTK+3 Bundle on
; such bundles exist in the wild, but we think GTK+ should better
its cross-platform nature.
Another problem is the difficulty to bring the topic to someone "in
charge" (for what it stands here). Hoping to have some feedback guys.

give it up. or at least *read* the archives.
   * GTK+ is cross-platform to the extent that there are people willing to
step up and help maintain ports to various platforms.
   * if by cross-platform you mean "there are binary releases for platform
X", then no, you're not likely to see that for several platform
   * binary releases for non-Linux platforms are not necessarily a good
   * there are very few people around interested in and with the time to
maintain the windows or OS X ports
this is an open source, under-funded, under-manned project. if you want to
change that, then finding actual man-hours to put into it (yours or
else's) will go a LOT further than mailing about it.
oh, and there is no-one "in charge" when it comes to non-Linux releases.

Hi Paul,
"this is an open source, under-funded, under-manned project."
I understand that fully.
"if you want to change that, then finding actual man-hours to put into it
(yours or someone else's) will go a LOT further than mailing about it."
Well here, we have some people already having done actual work, and wanting
to pull it. Me for example.
You are saying that the subject has already been debated, and that "binary
releases for non-Linux platforms are not necessarily a good idea" (I'm
digging the archives right now). Why ? There have been GTK+2 bundles
available for download on for some time now.
(We're speaking policy here, but to support my point in technical terms :
- my reusable GTK+3 build environment : ;
- sample bundle I have produced :

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