Re: [RC] GTK+ 3.4.2/3.6.4 Bundle (Win32)
- From: tarnyko tarnyko net
- To: gtk-devel-list gnome org
- Subject: Re: [RC] GTK+ 3.4.2/3.6.4 Bundle (Win32)
- Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 00:46:24 +0100
OK, here we go, added MSVC++ import libraries (.lib) and COPYING from
original packages in "share/doc" (so end-users have the licenses).
Ready for release !
Opened bug on Bugzilla to push to ""; :
As for the build scripts, they cover a lot more than pure GTK+ as they
basically compile every dependency (including external ones like zlib,
libpng...) so I'm not sure where I should push them. They are already in the
bundles btw.
tarnyko tarnyko net writes:
OK done, so I've replaced the huge "gnome" theme with another theme named
"gnome-light", which contains only icons needed for gtk3-demo &
I've updated the build system and the bundle :
Everything seems to work like a charm now. If nobody objects, I will be
pushing the scripts and bundles to Bugzilla soon, as Emmanuele suggested.
tarnyko tarnyko net writes:
Responding to myself for the sake of the cause.
I've pushed a bug in Bugzilla for the patch I use to compile GTK+ :
It's already fixed in 3.7, but if the patch is integrated, compiling next
stable will be easier. I hope that's what I'm supposed to do.
Btw, I found "gtk3-demo" and "gtk3-widget-factory" depend on GNOME Icon
Theme for some button icons. They display red "fails" icons without it
Problem being that the theme is > 60 Mb, which makes a BIG bundle, most
of it would be the theme indeed !
I might do a lightweight theme containing only the needed icons. Better
ideas ?
tarnyko tarnyko net writes:
Hi folks,
Following the discussion in this previous thread
) , I am very pleased to announce the availability for tests of two
Win32 bundles :
- GTK 3.4.2 / GLib 2.32.2
built with "GTK+3.4.2_build_system_(v3)"
- GTK+ 3.6.4 / GLib 2.34.3
build with "GTK+3.6.4_build_system_(v1)"
You will find the downloads here :
Each bundle is a ZIP archive containing among binaries :
- a README including installation instructions ;
- a manifest file ;
- source build scripts with build logs (see "src/tarnyko/scripts/logs").
Each build system is a complete MinGW/MSYS environments intended for
installation on vanilla Windows XP/Vista/7/8. They are very
straightforward to use if you follow the instructions carefully. They
should work out-of-the-box.
If you want to test a real-world GTK+3 win32 app with these bundles,
please grab Glade 3.14.1 here :
It's an installer without GTK+3, so it always uses the system-wide
bundle (or the binaries dropped directly in its "bin" folder).
It's very nice to see GTK+ 3.6.4 working on Windows. Here is a
screenshot of the new CSS widgets :
But some resources don't seem to load properly (see red-crossed images
in "Style Classes" demo). Debug planned...
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