Re: compiling gtk3 on windows using MinGW

Il giorno mar 16 set 2014 03:36:51 CEST, Matrix ha scritto:
Hi, Andrea Zagli:

i have tried msys2...

but after installed vala package,

i run valac fail:

$ valac test.vala
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
error: 执行子进程失败(No such file or directory)

执行子进程失败 that means fork child process fail

i have installed gcc, glib-2.0 pkg-config etc.

do you know how to fix it ?


try autorebase.bat

install also pkgconf

在 2014年09月15日 15:06, Andrea Zagli 写道:
Il giorno sab 30 ago 2014 23:41:03 CEST, narcisse doudieu siewe ha scritto:

someone can tell me how to cross compile Gtk3 on windows using MinGW please?
the actual version is Gtk3.6.4 but I want to use the lastest version...
Best regards
use precompiled packages from msys2

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