Re: GitLab CI runners for non-Linux systems

On Wed, 2018-05-30 at 00:59 +0800, 藍挺瑋 wrote:
於 星期一,2018-05-28 於 12:09 -0400,xclaesse gmail com 提到:

We now have 6 arch tested for glib, all with Meson.

- macosx-10.13-meson-x86_64
  * Native macosx 10.13 build
  * Fails to build with --werror, if anyone wants to take a look.
  * Some unit tests fails and are ignored, if anyone wants to take
  * Machine currently hosted at Collabora Montreal office, will
another runner on another machine we have in a proper data center.
It looks like this one was temporarily removed.

Missing, if someone wants to contribute:
 - Some autotools runners? IMHO (I'm not maintainer) we should
recommend meson for 2.58 and drop autotools for 2.60.
 - Some 32 bits archs?
 - More macosx/android/windows/distros versions?
 - *BSD
After spending a few days on fixing GLib tests, I finally get all
tests pass on

The test ran in a jail with FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE-p10 userland on
FreeBSD 11.2-
BETA3 amd64 kernel.

In fact, 'collate' test fails but it is marked as 'SKIP' because of
en_US locale, 'testfilemonitor' is modified to allow some missing
events because
kqueue isn't as good as inotify on file monitoring. Even if not all
tests work
perfectly, running these tests already let me find a few bugs and fix
in GKqueueFileMonitor. The code and commits in my GLib fork are just
for quick
testing and I will make them look better before submitting a merge

However, the runner I use in my GLib fork runs in a VM whose host is
unreliable and not suitable for use as an official CI runner. This
host crashes
often and its uptime is usually less than 2 weeks. It also gives me
segfault and corrupted files sometimes. I can document steps required
to run
GitLab CI runner on FreeBSD, so people who are able to provide
machines can
setup a runner quickly. It is easy and can be done in about 5
What are those 5 commands? I think it should be possible to use a
separate Docker image for the FreeBSD CI, but run it on the same Docker
hosts as the Fedora image which we use for the Linux CI and



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