API docs redesign

Talked to Tigert and Jimmac about making the docs look a bit nicer. They agreed with Owen that my original use of the gtk stock icons would probably cause confusion. Their suggestion was to use the icons from the high contrast theme instead.

Tigert also did up a few mockups in the message, which I have uploaded here:

(I didn't include them as an attachment so that people with non html-mail capable mail readers can see them).

What do you think of the light background version? (we would probably scale the images down to the size of the first set for this option). If people like this, I will look at modifying gtk-doc.xsl to see what it is like for larger documents. We can then look at converting gtk-doc.dsl to use the new look as well (which shouldn't be too difficult).


Email: james daa com au              | Linux.conf.au   http://linux.conf.au/
WWW: http://www.daa.com.au/~james/ | Jan 22-25 Perth, Western Australia.

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