common Makefile rules

The new common makefile fragment I have done for gtk-doc works quite well, but there are a few things that would be good to sort out before using it too widely:

  1. variable names.  What is in the gtk-doc.m4 at the moment is
     essentially the same as the version in GTK.  The makefile variable
     names don't have too much structure.  Would it be good to
     normalise the variable names the user needs to set?  (eg. make
     them start with GTKDOC).
  2. Should internal makefile variables also be prefixed to reduce
     chances of conflicts with other variables?  Not sure how important
     this one is because most people don't build anything else in their
     reference docs directory.
  3. Do we want to support both SGML and XML modes when using the
     common makefile?

Once we have these things sorted out, I might look at porting glib over as a proof of concept.

On another topic, Mikael has fixed up devhelp to automatically search for documentation in prefix/share/gtk-doc/html. This means that it will automatically pick up the documentation that glib, pango and gtk install. Here is a screenshot:


Email: james daa com au

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