Re: Error during jhbuild - could not find DocBook XSL Stylesheets in XML catalog

On 08/02/04 08:13, Gregory Merchan wrote:

On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 04:04:17PM +0800, James Henstridge wrote:
On 4/02/2004 1:19 PM, Daniel Cardenas wrote:

Hi Everyone,

When trying to get the gnome 2.5 environment up using jhbuild I receive the following error:
configure: error: could not find DocBook XSL Stylesheets in XML catalog

Is there an easy fix for this problem? Is this a bug? I'm using debian unstable. Is there a better newsgroup to post this type of problem to?
Did you check the README file in the gtk-doc module?
I've run into the same problem. Debian now has an xml catalog provided
by the package xml-core, so the README needs an update.

Running the command in the configure script gives this:

 No entry for SYSTEM

This bug report contains more information:

If the Debian maintainer is correct, then I think a change is
needed in xmlcatalog.c around lines 545-555. Something like:

(starting at line 548)

   if (ans == NULL) {
       printf ("No entry for SYSTEM %s\n", argv[i]);
       ans = xmlCatalogResolveURI ((const xmlChar *) argv[i]);
       if (ans == NULL) {
           printf ("No entry for URI %s\n", argv[i]);
           exit_value = 4;
       } else {
           printf ("%s\n", (char *) ans);
           xmlFree (ans);
   } else {
       printf ("%s\n", (char *) ans);
       xmlFree (ans);

Sounds like the Debian maintainer is right here. It looks like xsltproc uses xmlCatalogResolveURI() to load the catalog, but there is no way to use the "xmlcatalog" utility to check to make sure a URI map exists in the catalog. I'm CC'ing DV, in case he has any comments.

Email: james daa com au

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