--ignore-decorators does not ignore trailing stuff

Hi all,

these declarations:

int cpml_line_get_npoints(void) CPML_GNUC_CONST;
void cpml_line_offset(CpmlPrimitive *line, double

produce the following output in cpml-decl.txt:

void) CPML_GNUC_CONST;void cpml_line_offset
(CpmlPrimitive *line,double offset

also with --ignore-decorators="CPML_GNUC_CONST". I've managed to
let gtkdoc-scan work by using the attached patch, but my gtkdoc
and perl knowledge is dangerously close to 0.

Any hint on resolving this issue with the current gtkdoc will be

--- gtkdoc-scan.old	2009-03-06 21:02:45.000000000 +0100
+++ gtkdoc-scan	2009-03-06 21:05:23.000000000 +0100
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@
 	# Note that sometimes functions end in ') G_GNUC_PRINTF (2, 3);' or
 	# ') __attribute__ (...);'.
 	if ($in_declaration eq 'function') {
-	    if ($decl =~ s/\)\s*(G_GNUC_.*|__attribute__\s*\(.*\)\s*)?;.*$//) {
+	    if ($decl =~ s/\)\s*(G_GNUC_.*|${IGNORE_DECORATORS}\s*|__attribute__\s*\(.*\)\s*)?;.*$//) {
 		$decl =~ s%/\*.*?\*/%%gs;	# remove comments.
 		#$decl =~ s/^\s+//;		# remove leading whitespace.
 		#$decl =~ s/\s+$//;		# remove trailing whitespace.

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