Re: Font Problems

At 08:43 AM 8/29/2002, Owen Taylor wrote:

Looks good to commit, except that:

>         cur_offset = FILE_Pos();
> -      if ( FILE_Seek( new_offset ) ||
> -           ( error = Load_Script( &sr[n].Script, stream ) ) != TT_Err_Ok )
> -        goto Fail;
> +
> +      if ( FILE_Seek( new_offset ) )
> +       goto Fail;
> +
> +      error = Load_Script( &sr[sl->ScriptCount].Script, stream );
> +      if ( error != TT_Err_Ok &&  error != TTO_Err_Empty_Script )
> +       goto Fail;
> +
> +      sl->ScriptCount += 1;
> +
>         (void)FILE_Seek( cur_offset );
>       }

Don't you only want to increment sl->ScriptCount if
error != TT_Err_Empty_Script?

Ooops! You're right. This logic is a bit nastier than I was expecting... 
The obvious fix is to put another if in front of the increment, but that 
seems like an awful lot of testing. I'll think about this a bit and see if 
I can come up with a better way. Maybe a switch on error?

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