text extension problem

Hi o all,


I’m a very new user in the “pango cairo world”

I’ve got a problem trying to get  the extension of a text usig Pango - Cairo.

I’ve made this function but the text of dimension returned is not correct, is small than the right (pixel) size.


void CPangoCairoWrapper::GetTextExtension(int *width, int *height)


            PangoAttribute *pa;

            PangoAttrList *pal;


            pal = pango_layout_get_attributes(m_pa_pLayout);




                        pal = pango_attr_list_new();





            pa = pango_attr_size_new(m_sFontSize * PANGO_SCALE);

            pa = pango_attr_weight_new(m_pangoWeight);  

            pango_attr_list_change(pal, pa);

            pango_layout_set_attributes(m_pa_pLayout, pal);


            pango_layout_get_pixel_size(m_pa_pLayout, width, height);



where m_ … are member variable appropriately set.

I mean


PangoFontDescription   *m_pa_pFontDescr;

PangoLayout                 *m_pa_pLayout;

short                             m_sFontSize;

PangoWeight                m_pangoWeight;




m_pa_pLayout  = pango_cairo_create_layout(m_ca_pCairo);

m_pa_pFontDescr = pango_font_description_new ();


m_strFont = "Sans"

m_sFontSize = 15;

m_pangoWeight = PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD;


I’ve got also set font description and other things


pango_layout_set_text(m_pa_pLayout, “TEST”, -1);

pango_font_description_set_weight(m_pa_pFontDescr, PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD);


pango_font_description_set_size(m_pa_pFontDescr, m_sFontSize*PANGO_SCALE);     



Could you tell me where is the error or if is a other, correct way, to get the text extension using pango –cairo.


Thanks in advance

Best regards

Andrea Ricchetti

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