I am facing issues in Hindi Text rendering.
Issue1: The contextual glyph substitution seems to be ignoring the fact that 2 or 3 unicodes are forming a cluster.
Hence, when I use PANGO_WRAP_CHAR, I get a wrong output. [See image output.jpg at https://sites.google.com/site/fontengine/home/issue-with-hindi-text-rendering ]
The 'matra' (vowel in hindi, which is always used in conjunction with a normal letter) related to เคน ('ha') in the first line is rendered on the second line, when it should have actually rendered on the same line.
Issue 2: inkRect width is greater than the layout width.
In output.jpg, the green rectangle has been drawn in accordance with the layout width and the layout height.
And, the red rectangle is the inkRect.
The code is attached here. [https://sites.google.com/site/fontengine/home/issue-with-hindi-text-rendering]
Can you explain if am I doing something wrong here?
Thanks and regards,
Parth Kanungo