Re: [gtk-list] newcomer question: compiling gtk - memmove...

> I'm not sure this question really belongs here, but I don't know where
> this would be most appropriate. So apologies...

It's very much appropriate here.

> My gcc compiler doesn't recognize the function "memmove", which gets 
> called a few times in the gtk code (971201). Maybe this is a gcc problem?
> Or do I need to include other libraries that the gtk configure script didn't 
> find correctly?

SunOS 4 apparently doesn't include memmove. As a quick workaround
you can apply the patch gtk-john_johns-971017-0 from:

A slightly better solution is currently in CVS and will be included
in the next release.

> Apologies if this doesn't belong here, but thanks for your help.

Thanks for reporting the problem.


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