Re: [gtk-list] Stupid feature requests (and bug).

> 3. The menus act kinda weird. If I drag the pointer through menus, it's
>    ok. But if I release the mouse button, the pointer changes into
>    X and the menu acts as if I still held the mouse button pressed.
>    Even when I move the poiner out of the menu, the gtk thinks the
>    mouse button is still down and keeps popping up other popup menus
>    from the menu bar as I move the pointer past them. Is this how
>    it is meant to be? I don't like that... I'd love the menus to act
>    just like Motif or Windogs or any other menus. ;)

I'd second this proposal. The problem with the current behaviour is 
that it not possible to reasonably implement keyboard navigation of
menus (because no item is selected if you move the mouse out of the
menu and button is not pressed). Like in motif/windows, there should
be at least one item selected unless the button is pressed.

... MouseDevice /dev/null

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