Re: [gtk-list] Re: gtk_entry and passwords...

On Fri, Oct 03, 1997 at 08:59:24AM +0200, Szekeres Istvan wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Oct 1997, Otto Hammersmith wrote:
> > > Otto Hammersmith writes:
> > > >I'm trying to get a gtk_entry suitable for entering a password (i.e.,
> > > >no echoed text) and I can't seem to make it do just what I want.  Has
> > > >anyone out there managed to get it to work?
> > > 
> > 
> > So, the question is why didn't setting the colors work quite well
> > enough, and why didn't overriding draw_string work either?
> > 
> If the password entry field contains an unencrypted password (plaintext, and
> not "***"-s), you can cut&paste it, which is IMHO a Bad Thing.
> Pista

Better that, than some shoulder surfer knowing how long your password
is, so as soon as he can take a gander at /etc/passwd, he can start
running crack on it only using items in the dictionary of length 'n'. 

By far the ideal would to let gtk_entry_get_text() work, but still
have things invisible by using peter's suggestion.  I actually think
the cleanest (and safest) solution is a new widget, but I just don't
have the time for that.


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