[Fwd: obgtk and window events]

Wondering why I have gotten no responce...

Still wondering about my question about the delete_event and destroy.
I will put my code here with comments about various things...
I just want to know, if there is a reason it was designed this
way....why...and if it is a bug,...I would like to know so I don't beat
my head on the wall trying to figure out the correct way.

In hello_world.c in the tutorial, it is described what delete does and
why it is different from destroy, and how not to close the window.  I
want to recreate that in this program..

interface has Gtk_Window *window; Gtk_Button *Button;

@implementation HelloWorld

- clicked:(id)anObj
 g_print("Hello World!!\n");
        return self;

    /* if this method is removed and the window is connected in any way
to "delete"
        this class will not compile... */
 g_print("A delete event was recieved.");
        return TRUE;

 [window free];
        [self free];
        return self;

- initApp:(int *)argcp
 :(char ***)argvp
 [super initApp:argcp :argvp];

        window = [[Gtk_Window alloc]

/* this will compile without errors, but if a "delete_event" or "destoy"
is sent
   program complains and freaks.  Lot of wierd non chars.  */
[window connectObj:"delete_event" :self];

[window connectObj:"destroy" :self];

        button = [[Gtk_Button alloc] initWithLabel:"Hello"];
        [[button connectObj:"clicked" :self] show];

        [[window add:button] show];

        return self;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

 [[[HelloWorld alloc]initApp:&argc :&argv] run];

        return 0;

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